1. The particles produced by the small feed pellet mechanism can effectively prevent the phenomenon of imbalanced intake of nutrients by poultry and livestock due to picky eating. When feeding poultry and livestock in daily life, breeders often worry about picking the fine feed from the mixed powder feed. Granular feed allows various feed ingredients to be fully mixed and pressed into shape, making it impossible for poultry and livestock to be picky eating, which can make the nutrition of poultry and livestock balanced, and also save feed for farmers, reducing breeding costs
2. The particles produced by the small feed pellet mechanism are beneficial for the digestion and absorption of the gastrointestinal tract of poultry and livestock. Good palatability of pellet feed. During the compression process, the starch in the mixed powder is gelatinized, which gives the compressed pellet feed a certain aroma, increases its palatability, stimulates the appetite of poultry and livestock, and makes them love food. According to measurements, feeding pellet feed to poultry and livestock can increase their food intake by 10% -15%
3. Sterilization and disinfection, reducing diseases. During the compression process of pellet feed, short-term high temperatures of up to 70 ℃ -100 ℃ can kill some parasitic eggs and pathogenic microorganisms, significantly reducing diseases in rabbits. Practice has shown that feeding pellet feed to poultry and livestock significantly reduces diarrhea, stomatitis, and pica
4. The particles produced by the small feed pellet mechanism improve the digestibility of feed. Poultry and livestock chew pellet feed for a long time, which can promote the secretion of amylase in the oral cavity, allowing the feed in the mouth to be fully mixed with saliva, stimulating intestinal peristalsis, and greatly improving the digestibility of nutrients in the feed. In addition, during the compression process of pellet feed, the combined effect of short-term high temperature and high pressure not only causes starch gelatinization and protein organization in the feed, but also enhances enzyme activity, deactivating some substances that hinder the digestion and utilization of nutrients in the feed, such as anti trypsin factors, which all improve the digestibility of feed
Contact: Mike
Phone: +86-13683823082
E-mail: zzwoodstar@gmail.com
Add: National HI-TECH Industry DevelopmentZone,Zhengzhou,china